Epic fantasy comics:
The myth building here is very ambitious--and boy does it pay off! Includes the creation of the world, the destruction of the world, and the insertion of David Bowie lyrics at moments of high dramatic tension.
A must-read for D&D fans . . . and everybody else, for that matter. I first started reading this comic while laid up with a cold and it improved my mood immeasurably. Probably the cuddliest webcomic with exclusively evil protagonists that I have seen so far.
The cat commands you. You cannot resist the cat. Read this. I mean it. Leave now, drop whatever you're doing--stop writing your final/thesis/dissertation, stop eating whatever meal you're on, stop having sex, stop saving the world from evil masterminds--and read this. All of it.
Strong plot, believable characters, gorgeous artwork. The pacing is lovely and it has a kitsune. What more do you need?
Old tales with their old twists-- and a few new ones. This is an absolutely wonderful thing.
Minion About a witch and her werewolf minion/childhood friend. Both humorous and adorable.
Contemporary Fantasy Comics:
Count Your Sheep: The webcomic most likely to produce a sense of whimsy and nostalgia for an ideal childhood. Think a bluer, girlier, online Calvin and Hobbes. With a sheep.
If you don't know what this comic is by now, there's no help for you.
GLBTQ Comics:
Over now but still my favorite. Can still give you those warm, cuddly feelings on the 2nd, 3rd and 12th re-reading.
FriendlyHostility The follow-up comic to BoyMeetsBoy. Has less of a romantic focus than its predecessor, and reads more like a family strip. Pretty durned awesome.
Other People's Business Yet another comic by the remarkable K. Fuhr.
A sweet Boys' Love storyline with a few touches of magic. The comic's engaging and the website's fun to play around in.
Sweet, interconnecting stories about young romantic couples told in a "he said/she said" style. Except that it's never exactly "he said/she said."
Vampire Comics:
Because sometimes you just want to read about gorgeous, angsty, sexually frustrated vampires. Well I do, anyway.
None of the above
XKCD Because stick-figures, math and linguistics just go together. Wickedly clever and occasionally touching.
Piled Higher and Deeper Frighteningly accurate comic about grad school.
Crap I Drew on My Lunch Break Witty, semi-autobiographical comic that I quite enjoyed while it was in production. Can still be read archivally.
Mike: Bookseller Frighteningly accurate comic about working retail
Other works by the artist:
Here After Nothing at all like Familiar Magic. Here After is a gag strip that takes place in Hell and includes the use and abuse of sensitive subject matter for comic effect. Not for the faint of heart, readers under 18, or those offended by jokes made in very poor taste. You have been warned.
Other comic related links: is pretty user-friendly. You can search comics by style, genre and keyword. Offers more nifty stuff to members.
Another place where you can look up new comics and keep track of your old favs.
A place to find Get Fuzzy for those of us who don't get newspapers.
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